Welcome to OMHSA 

At OMHSA we strive to provide a safe, inclusive, happy environment that fosters the development of soccer from U4 to U18. 

Our Mission Statement

The 100 Mile House & District Soccer Association (OMHSA) shall support soccer players, coaches, referees and volunteers by providing appropriate programs and opportunities to help the individual achieve their potential, while employing the principles of "Fairplay".

*Bulletin Board*

Important Immediate Information:

2025 Season Registration

Our 2025 season registration opened January 19th. Take advantage of our new pricing and discount program listed below. 

Early Registration: January 19th- January 31st

Regular Registration: February 1st- April 1st 


Sponsorship Program

We partner with local businesses in our community to sponsor OMHSA in a variety of ways. Click below if your business is interested in joining our group of sponsors.

Team Sponsors

Businesses can sign up to sponsor a team, getting their names and logos on a set of jerseys.

Banner Sponsor

Businesses can spopnsor our program by supplying a company banner that gets put up at the fields to promote their company. 

We help our volunteer coaches to get certified using age based training with online and on field components.

Coaches Training

General Information

Criminal Record Checks

All volunteers need to be verified by a Criminal Record Check (CRC)

These can be obtained quickly and for free at the Police Station, or through our link below.


Access Code: 8G8HS6HQ2A

Respect In Sport

BC Soccer expects all coaches to obtain a Respect In Sport Certificate


Coaching Courses

Canada Soccer Grassroots Standards

OMHSA is committed to aligning with Canada Soccer's Grassroots Standards that outline the principles and framwork for Long Term Player Developement. These standards help to foster growth and enjoyment for all players. 


Grassroots Coach Education Program - Canada Soccer

Referee Training

We connect our referees with on field training sessions through our Referee Coordinator. Click below to inquire on how you can become a referee.

Small Sided

If you are turning 12 by December 31, 2025 then you are eligible to train as a Small-sided referee.



Small Sided Clinics

Time and Location: April 5th

Entry Level

If you are currently a referee and turning 14 by December 31, 2025 then you are eligible to train as an Entry-level referee.


Entry Level Clinics

Time and Location: April 6th 

Training Link

General Information

Our season offers a House league and a Rep league. Our House league is comprised of U4 to U18 and runs beginning of May to the end of September, with a pause over July, August and statutory holidays. Our Rep league is comprised of U10 to U18 and runs for the same season as House with an additional fee. 

                                          2025 Season Calendar Information

Our 2025 season will run from Monday April 28th to Saturday June 28nd (with the exception of Saturday May 17th and Monday May 19th for the long weekend). We will take a break over July and August and resume again Tuesday September 2nd and finalize our season Saturday September 27th. 

 Practices, Games, and  Schedules

House Schedule

Field Layouot


Please Note:

This is a TENTATIVE schedule and last season's field lay out as examples for 2025. The new schedule and lay out will be finalized in April once we have our division numbers and needs determined. 

Aid Programs

OMHSA accepts registration costs from a variety of sources. Here are a few in our drop down menu. Please inquire within if you have any questions.

                                  Legal Center


Codes of Conduct

Reporting and Disciplinary

In the event that we encounter a situation, either witnessed by the board or reported to us, which heeds any disciplinary action, our reporting committee will investigate the issue and determine a fair outcome for all involved. The documents in the above tabs outline our procedures. 


There is also a quick link to this reporting system on our Contact Us tab near Home


Find Us!



250-706-3865 / office.omhsa@gmail.com / reporting.omhsa@gmail.com 
600  North Birch Ave, One Hundred Mile House, British Columbia, Canada

About us

Who are we at OMHSA?

Well, let us tell you.

We are a group of passionate individuals from many walks of life who come together for a mutual goal, soccer.

Soccer for the littles, soccer for the bigs. Everyone is welcome. For growth, development, happiness and success. We enjoy seeing all kids try new things, perfect skill sets, meet new friends and blossom from their comfort zones.

When they say "it takes a village to raise a child", there could be no truer statement. From coaches to parents, spectators, refs, team mates, and a board to help throw it all together-we are OMHSA, and we couldn't do it without all the aforementioned.

Community is key, and such a wonderful one we have.


Brandi McKean

Brandi is entering her second season with OMHSA and has changed hands this year as our administrator. We are so pleased to have her with us in this new capacity.


Amy McKean

Amy joined OMHSA in 2022 as a coach for her son's U8 team. She then hopped on the board with us in 2023 as Vice President then rolled into an Acting President position in that October during a change of personnel. This year Amy continues on the President and is looking forward to another successful year. 

Vice President

Aileen Mathews

Aileen has hopped on board as our new Vice President. She brings with her a plethora of soccer experience being an avid player herself. We are looking forward to working with Aileen and are excited to see all the new ideas and perspectives she brings!


Kadie Dufresne

Kadie  year as our Secretary. She continues to bring with her a bubbly personality and much time spent as a parent in OMHSA. She has become an intgegral part of our board, taking on many important tasks and we're so grateful to have her with us again this season!


Romy Henderson

Romy is with us for her third year now and has made the shift to Treasurer. She has previously been a Director at Large helping to fill in gaps and help out other members in their duties. We are pleased to have Romy take on this new role and work with her in a different capacity. 

Referee Coordinator

Cate Davis

Cate has been with our board for quite some time now and contributes a wealth of knowledge to our referee program. She spends dedicated hours organizing and participating in the program. Without Cate's hard work with our ref's and other behind the scenes jobs, we would not be what we are. We are so pleased to continue to have her with us.

Coaching Coordinator

Bernd Hedtfeld

Bernd joined us last season as Coaching Coordinator and learned a plethora of information along the way. He has spend countless hours helping to promote OMHSA and support coaches and we are excited to see what he brings to us this year.

Director at Large

Jenna Volkwyn

Jenna joins us this year for her first season as a Director at Large. We are excited to have her and see what amazing things she will do with OMHSA

Director at Large

Christian Samson

Christian has been involved with OMHSA for many years and has a great love of soccer. Now signing on as a Director at Large to help us continue to blossom and provide a quality of sport to the younger generations. 


Werner Heine

Werner has been a vital part of OMHSA for many years in many capacities. He now hands the preverbial torch over to a new board, while staying on the side lines to guide us with passion and an abundance of knowledge. Even though Werner is no longer an official board member, we are so pleased to have him in our corner to learn from. 




Volunteers come from many walks of life and capabilities, much like our Directors at Large, except they aren't obligated to attend our monthly meetings. Simply show up and pitch in, ask questions to get you up to speed and help to create a wonderful experience for our community.

Upcoming Board Meetings

April 2025 

Date: April 2nd 

Time: 6pm

Location: OMHSA Clubhouse

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